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Brunswick Street Gallery Presents

20 MARCH – 5 APRIL 2020


Dazzle Boi explores spaces between knowledge and speculation. Beast’s new works explore the historic designs of Dazzle Camouflage, a nod to the qualities of adaptation, defensiveness and concealment that helps develop queer identity.

Created in response to numerous conversations during a performance in 2019, the paintings work to highlight moments in normative communication where language - by way of lack of information - meets a very narrow field of projected meaning. Discussing Dazzle camouflage with peers in the context of queer theory, he asked them to predict what an object covered in Dazzle Camouflage would look like. This exhibition takes this question as its focus, answering the historic, and leaving space for contemporary alternative conceptions. Ask yourself before you enter? What does a Dazzle Boi look like?

Due to Covid the exhibition was extended and closed to public, available for private viewing and in online formats. 

Studies for the exhibition were first completed in Procreate, the motifs were continued into an a5 flipbook-style folio at the beginning of Lockdown 2.0, a video of this book can be seen here.

Installation View (Photos c/o Brunswick Street Gallery)

Retrospective Flipbook (2020)

Retrospective Flipbook (2020) (flip video)

Procreate Studies (2019)

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